Welcome to the Prayer Room

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I prayed for this

Prayed for 103 times.


My friends Emily and Kyle have 4 children. They have been going through martial struggles and have been trying to find a way to work through. During this struggle their two youngest children have been getting sick off and on where they need to go to the ER for breathing struggles. Then over Christmas break with their family was in Tennessee they went to a mall with all their children. While they were at the mall they were told there was an active shooter. They hid in the back of a store for over 30 minutes fearful for their family. They safely made it out and it came to the understanding that it was not a shooter but a fight that had broken out. In that moment though it felt real and their children felt the emotional toll of this. I ask for a prayer for their family during these challenges that they have faced for God to be in the center of their hearts and minds to bring them together and give them support. To give continued protection over them from the struggles they have faced and the ones the may face in the future. I ask this in God's name. Amen

Received: December 30, 2023