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This prayer has been answered!

Prayed for 18 times.


Dear Harriet,

I will never stop saying thank enough for praying for Nico, and I. Praise report… yes Nico had his intake appointment this morning on zoom to see if he qualifies for speech therapy, so we’re on to the next step now:) Also I prayed to God and asked him what he wants me to do about taking the 5 year medication to stop any breast cancer reaccurance, and he told me to talk to my doctor again to get a better understanding, which I did, and to go ahead and start taking it, which I did. Also I have a second opinion scheduled for mid February just to be more thorough. Please may I ask for prayer for no side affects from the medication for the entire 5 years please, as they are rare and less than 1 %. I also want to thank you Harriet for reminding me to focus on God and feel his presence each day, and that he’s with me every step of the way. Because the devil has a sneaky way of distracting my thoughts, and exaggerating things, creating major anxiety and worry in us. Thank you for reminding me I need to be FOR SURE about God, and what he wants to do for me. XOXO to you Harriet, and EVERYONE at Friends Church! We love u guys!

Received: January 26, 2024