Thank you for leading your group through the Rooted Experience. We trust it has drawn you closer to the Lord and to each other. Below are several options for your group following the Rooted season. Let us know what your group decides to do, who will be leading if that has changed, what you intend to study next and where you will be meeting, if that has changed. Also, let us know if your group is open or closed at this time.

Discovery Questions

Questions that will help you encounter God’s Word as you dig deeper into the message content presented in our Friends’ Weekend Gatherings! You’ll also notice that our Weekend Teaching Team has prepared study notes that come directly from their message outlines that, hopefully, will be a further catalyst to your personal growth! Whether you engage with this material individually or in your small group, we are praying that God will use it to help you take your next steps towards spiritual transformation!

Click Here


Your story is important. There is a reason you are here.

In Life Groups, we’ll explore our narratives and learn what it means to love our stories and the way God will use them. This 10-week experience has been designed to help you take your next step in your discipleship journey as you grow in community and deepen your bond as a Life Group. With courage, confidence, and awe, we’ll take time to recognize that the events of our lives—good and bad—have purpose and meaning.

What makes your story glorious is not that it teaches a moral lesson, but that it reflects the very face and goodness of God. And you aren’t a character in a plot meant to only reveal glory. You are meant to create glory through fulfilling the purpose God intends for you. Your Heavenly Father delights in you and your story.

Paricipant Book – $20 | Facilitator Guide – $15

To purchase a book email Peggy Kasper.