About Local Outreach

Jesus said that the second greatest command is to, “love our neighbors as ourselves” (Mark 12:31).

Our Local Outreach Ministry seeks to live out the church value Intentional Pursuit.

Our goal is to see people come into a transforming relationship with Jesus by equipping our church family to have gracious, spiritual conversations with those they live work, and play with and to demonstrate God’s love in tangible actions in North Orange County.

We desire to see all of North Orange County changed by the Gospel.

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    Our Neighboring Initiative desires to equip our church to form genuine caring relationships with their neighbors, with the hope of being a blessing to their neighborhood and sharing the hope of Christ with them.

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    The Alpha Course

    The Alpha Course is a 9-week course that explores the basics of the Christian faith in an accepting and non-judgmental environment. All are welcome. Every Alpha session includes a meal, a 20-minute talk on the Christian life and a discussion (where we get to listen to our guests views). Alpha is free and you can sign-up below.

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    Outreach Coaching

    Being a Christian means to be a believer in Jesus, follower of Jesus, and be committed to His mission in the world. Our team of ministry coaches will partner with you and your Life Group and equip you with the tools, practices, and perspectives to share the Gospel, their faith story, and learn how to be salt and light in North Orange County.

New Followers of Christ at Friends in 2017?

Click the box to see how many people have decided to follow Jesus for the first time this year at Friends Church!

239 First time decisions in 2017!

We have seen 700 people begin a relationship with Jesus since 2014!

Fall 2017 Events

The Alpha Course

Launches Thursday, February 1st from 6:30pm-8:30pm

Alpha is a 9-week course that explores the basics of the Christian life in a safe and non-judgmental environment. The Alpha Course is ideal for those outside the church, who do not consider themselves Christian or are brand new to faith and church.

Every Alpha session includes: a full-meal, a 20-minute talk on a Christian topic and then a discussion. Alpha is free.


Outreach Coaching – Fall 2017

Neighboring and Life Groups

You and your Life Group have just finished up Rooted or another great study and are wondering, “What is next?” Would you consider going on the adventure of learning how to building authentic, life changing relationships with your neighbors?

Neighboring Life Group Coaching consists of learning how much your neighborhood matters to God, how to show hospitality, and how to gently bring Jesus into the lives of your neighbors. If you are interested, please contact Aarono@friends.church to connect with one of our Neighboring Life Group Coaches

Local Outreach Resources

Neighboring Starter Guide

Looking to jump right in and learn more about neighboring? Download our free Neighboring Starter Kit here Neighboring Starter Kit.

Also, take a moment to watch this short video on why neighboring is important: Art of Neighboring Introduction Video

Outreach Resources

Here are a few resources we recommend to help you make new followers of Jesus and grow in your evangelism/disciple-making ministry:

North Orange County Map

We love North Orange County! We want to see it transformed by the grace of God. We encourage all our church family to pray for our cities and neighborhoods.

If you are confused on how to find our church campus and Alpha, please find “Friends Church Yorba Linda” on the map and use it for directions. Thanks!

Local Outreach Team

Aaron Ophaug

Local Outreach Pastor

Hey everyone! I have been on staff at Friends for nine years, am a husband, father, avid runner and enjoy the outdoors, books and coffee. Most of all, I love authentic conversations with those exploring who Jesus is. Please e-mail me if you have any questions. Aarono@friends.church